after the boat, we took the bus across the bridge to camlica hill, which is in asia and has a beautiful view. the only problem was that we got stuck in traffic and the trip took three times as long as it was supposed to. we got there as the sun was setting over a very hazy city. we had dinner on the hill and then took the bus to the train. we got there about 40 minutes before departure, so we all settled into our compartments and changed into our pajamas since we had the car to ourselves.
jenna and i went to the dining car to write in our journals for class, but ended up skipping that when john and lisa (our professors, who are married) and chelsea (my roommate and lisa's daughter) joined us. they were a little stiff and awkward while ordering their beer (i got one too, of course). jenna asked why and they said that they were going to go to sleep but came down because rick steves was in the dinig car. this is where i fell apart. i mean i had a full-blown freak out.
after a lot of coaxing, i finally got up and went to talk to him. i got his autograph and a few pictures with him. he's very tall. i giggled for about an hour after that. i'm not exaggerating. my professors are never going to let me live it down. but i don't care. i met rick steves! :D
i fell asleep in my compartment watching the scenery fly by. i don't like trains, but i was so happy that i didn't care. everything was perfect.
I will admit, I had to google who rick steves was, but now that I know- congratulations! That's so fun that you got to meet a celebrity ;) I'm surprised that you don't like trains- I would think that you would love them kind of like I just have always assumed that I would love them. You sound like you're having a marvelous time steps, I'm still pretty jealous. Love you!
ReplyDeleteIf you were my hero before (you were) you most certainly are now. I can't believe of all the travels in all the world that guy could POSSIBLY be on he happened to be on the same train as you. That's incredible and highly improbable. I'm a better person having known you now. As much as he must travel and as far reaching....that's amazing. You picked the right trip, I think it's a sign you made the right choice. Keep it up I like what you're doin here.
ReplyDeleteOkay, how does no one know who Rick Steves is?!?! I've told a few people today that you met him and no one knew who he was! I was shocked! Sounds like a very memorable trip so far...and you haven't even been there for a week! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't know who he is either, even after trying to google him. but i'm glad you met him because you love him so. :)
ReplyDeletehans- i don't like trains because i was in a train wreck two years ago. they make me nervous. but i used to like them. love you too!!!
ReplyDeleteian- i feel the same way. i picked this trip, which is with a small college from illinois, mostly because the professor there graduated from my school. i felt like it was a sign. now i feel even more confident in that! thanks :]
andrea- i was one of like 5 people who knew who he was, including my two professors. and i was definitely the most excited!
mandi- he's THE tour guide. he writes books and makes movies about where to go, what to do, and what to see. i want to be him so badly.